Recommendations for Dentistry and Orthodontics

Affiliated Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics
Dr. Chaet, Dr. Anfinson, Dr. Wilson
21802 N. Scottsdale Rd #100 (480) 949-0332
6868 E. Becker Ln #101 (480) 556-0600
My Kidz Dentist, P.C.
Dr. Skaugrud, Dr. Kort, Dr. Lagermeier, Dr. Yang, Dr. Imtiaz
1728 W. Glendale #302
(602) 995-7336
North Scottsdale Children’s Dentistry and Orthodontics
Dr. Joel Arthur, Dr. Chad Arthur, Dr. Mandy Arthur, Dr. Livingood
9360 E. Raintree Dr #107
(480) 515-9599
Popat Orthodontics
Dr. Popat
635 East Maryland Ave.
(602) 265-0303
Dr. Heimann
1526 W. Glendale Ave #103

(602) 864-1080

A Small World Pediatric Dentistry
Dr. Vasquez, Dr. Razuri, Dr. Christensen, Dr. Dickerson
5533 E. Bell Rd #115
(602) 296-3235
Dental On Central
Dr. Anthony Herro, Dr. Joseph Santoro, Dr. Ellison Herro, Dr. Tamer El-Gendy, Dr. Percy Twine, Dr. Hiren Patel
5133 N Central Ave #102
(602) 266-1776
Madison Pediatric Dentistry
Dr.Tiffany Andersen
635 East Maryland Ave.
(602) 265-0303

Recommendations for an Eye Specialists

ABC Children’s Eye Specialists
Dr. Cassidy
(602) 222-2234
1920 E. Cambridge, Bldg. E #300
18635 N. 35th Ave #3
5110 E. Warner Rd #150

Pediatric Ophthalmology

Phoenix Children’s Hospital

(602) 933-EYES (3937)

1919 E Thomas Rd, Phoenix

6320 W Union Hills Dr. Suite #230, Glendale

2045 S Vineyard, Bldg. 3, Suite #137, Mesa

1220 S Higley Rd Suite #106, Mesa

20201 N Scottsdale Healthcare Dr. Suite #150, Scottsdale

9250 W Thomas Rd Suite #320, Phoenix

Pediatric Recommendations

Call for an Appointment. We’d like to see you! 602-861-1611