The doctors take emergency calls from their homes after hours.
Call the main office number, and if appropriate our answering service will page a doctor to call you back. Please save routine questions (mild illness, appointments, prescription refills) for the morning.
We encourage you to refer to our website first, when practical, before calling the office.
We use the Valley Pediatric Triage Nurse Advice Line through Phoenix Children’s Hospital for after hours triage calls. The VPT Nurse Advice Line is staffed by well-trained registered nurses (RNs) who use established protocols when talking with you about your child’s condition. To reach the nurse advice line after hours, you may call our office at 602-861-1611. Our answering service will take your information and a nurse from VPT will return your call.
Please be aware that VPT charges for each call and we will simply pass on the charge (currently $15.00) to you. If requesting a call back from the on call provider you may be billed a $50.00 charge. This is not covered by insurance and is thus a patient’s responsibility. You may instead contact your insurance company’s own after hours consulting nurse line, as this service may be offered by them free of charge. This number is usually listed on the back of your insurance card.
Emergencies are considered to be those conditions that are life-threatening: loss of consciousness, severe bleeding, seizure, etc. In the case of minor emergencies (lacerations, cuts, mild fractures, sprains), please call our office first for instructions.
Monday – Friday
7:30 am to 5:00 pm
Sick Visits By Appointment